Prof. Khalil Abdalla Elmedani
Professor of Sociology & Deputy Dean
College of Arts, Humanities and Sociology – University of Sharjah
Prof. Khalil Abdalla Elmedani is social scientists, graduated in Khartoum University and obtained his M.Sc. and Ph.D. in the University of Riverside, California USA in 1986 in Social Anthropology and Sociology. During his professional and academic career Prof. Khalil obtained various high quality experience and training in specialized fields of knowledge, i.e.: Decision Support System (DSS), Cost-benefit analysis (CBA), Social Impact Assessment (SIA), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Participatory Approaches and data Analysis etc. Prof. Khalil has comprehensive experience through his works with International, National and Regional Organizations. For example: he carried-out many consultancies with Water Management Fast Track Projects (WMFTP), Eastern Nile Transboundary Office, (World Bank). The main activities included collaboration in preparing the modalities for initiating Pilot Watershed Planning Approaches on a bottom-up basis, using smaller units and following Local Level Participatory Approach (LLPA) focusing on poverty alleviation through integrated interventions in multi-disciplinary activities, i.e. crops and livestock production, forestry and agro-forestry, watershed management, intensification, new crops varieties etc. Prof. Khalil harmonize and consolidate planning procedures at the grass-root levels. Also reviewing available indigenous knowledge on environmental and livelihood issues, and carry out Cost/benefit, Social Impact Analysis, Environmental Impact assessment, and provision of database for future evaluation of changes taking place after the implementation phase.
Other Consultancy experience include field researches themes: Mapping, Assessment and Management of Trans-Boundary Water Resources in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), Sub-Regions Projects, sponsored by IGAD, African Water Facility and OSS. The main objective of the consultancy research is to collect, screen, analyze and compilation of available data and information. This is to assess the status of existing water resources, socio-economic, environmental data and information and then to establish a harmonized database that will be used at national and sub-national levels. The Project covers seven IGAD members States.
Other consultancies include Conflict Mapping and conflict Mitigation, Pastoralists and Farmers relation in five Sudanese States, sponsored by World Bank, Egis Bceom International. In addition, field research done to United Nation Development Program (UNDP) and United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), fieldwork done for UN Economic and Social Council on Gender and Decision-making, which included in the Human Development Report Index 2012-213.
Main consultant for United Nation Economic and Social Work for South Asian countries (UNESCWA) for designing Social Policy to the Republic of the Sudan. It was the first Social Policy strategy for Sudan since its independence, which intended to be included in the Sudan Constitution; and thus becomes implemented and empowered by the Constitution. The Social Policy Plan is comprehensive and based on the historical experience of the Sudanese society, both in policy decisions, economic planning and in the social and cultural predicaments associated with such experiences.
Prof. Khalil is a fellow and a member of many International and Regional Associations. He published more than thirty articles (18th in English and 17th in Arabic, plus more than 15 research projects for national and international organizations – attached) in relation to sustainable development, poverty reduction, conflict resolutions, Refugees Dilemmas, political and economic corruption, etc.
Teaching Experience:
Prof. Khalil teaching experience is wide and rich. He had the opportunity to join teaching in different accredited universities, i.e. Khartoum University (1976-1989), Riverside University USA (1985-1986), Mohamed n Saud University in Saudi Arabia, (1989-2002) Nilain University in Sudan 2022-2014), and Now in University of Sharjah, UAE, (2014-2022). Besides, Dr. Khalil had been visiting professor teaching graduate courses in Faculty of planning engineering, Khartoum University, Higher Military Academy, 204-2014, Higher Strategic National Security Academy, Sudan etc.
Teaching for me is more than a duty or a job; it is satisfaction and gives me enjoyment. I used different means and methods in teaching, which help to create an engagement dialogue, or a two-way communication. I belief that all students who can join a university are basically intelligent and capable to do well, so the goal is to help each one to trust him/herself and utilizes their inner capabilities. University education is a capacity building process and strategy; we need to build student capacities and not to feed them.